Alice Smits
Alice Smits is the initiator and artistic director of Zone2Source, a platform for art, nature and technology in the Amstelpark in Amsterdam. International artists are invited for regular exhibitions, talks, workshops and excursions in which new imaginations on nature-culture relations are being developed in the parks pavillion and outdoor spaces. With Zone2Source she is also organizing longer term transdisciplinairy collaborative research programs such as Machine Wilderness (on robotics in relation to nature together with FoAM) and is developing a platform Land (Art)Making (on anthropocenic landscapes, together with LAC). She is currently a researcher with the Research Instititute for Art and Public Space at the Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam on contemporary land art practices and theories of the anthropocene. She holds a master in art history at the University of Amsterdam. Before establishing Zone2Source in 2013 she initated various exhibitions in both New York and Amsterdam (she ran amongst others a year long project space in PS1, New York and for 2 years worked as a curator for Smart Project Space in Amsterdam). Between 2004 and 2012 she was co director and initiator of the Amakula Kampala International Film Festival in Uganda. She writes regularly as a freelance art critic for art magazines such as Metropolis M. She is also a guitarist in the free improvisation band Oorbeek.