Cameron Cartiere - 2021
Cameron Cartiere, BFA, MA, PhD is Professor of Public Art and Social Practice at Emily Carr University of Art + Design in Vancouver, BC, Canada. She is a creative practitioner, writer and researcher specializing in public art, urban renewal, and environmental issues. She is the author of RE/Placing Public Art, co-author of the Manifesto of Possibilities: Commissioning Public Art in the Urban Environment, co-editor of The Practice of Public Art (2008 with Shelly Willis) and co-editor of The Everyday Practice of Public Art: Art, Space, and Social Inclusion (2016 with Martin Zebracki). She is currently working on the anthology, The Failures of Public Art and Participation (2022 with Anthony Schrag). As part of her research on the sustainable effects of public art, Cartiere has been collaborating with artists, writers, scientists, and new media researchers to convert neglected greenways across Canada, Mexico, and the USA into native pollinator pastures using public art as the driving force for environmental renewal. She is the co-founder of Border Free Bees.