Triumphs + Laments: A Project for Rome
Artist: William Kentridge
Location: Piazza Tevere, Rome, Italy
Year: 2020
Researcher: Giusy Checola
The monumental frieze, Triumphs and Laments, a Project for Rome is William Kentridge’s most ambitious project to date of a monumental 560-meter-long frieze. It depicts a silhouetted procession on Piazza Tevere, through a unique technique: removing years of accumulated bacteria and pollution on the embankment walls, power-washed to reveal more than 50 figures 10 meter high composing a 560 meters long frieze. The frieze, has been realized on the surface of the so-called muraglioni, the high embankment walls on the Tiber River, built at the end of the XIX century to protect the city of Rome from flooding.
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