Walls of Kindness
Location: Mashhad, Iran
Year: 2014
Researcher: Parisa Tehranizadeh
Walls will always resemble gaps and distances. However, in one of the major cities in Iran, Mashhad, the artist and ordinary people have cooperated with each other to eliminate the gaps and bring people closer together. People have named this project as the “wall of kindness”, since it has been a station for people to share their kindness and dedication with each other. This wall reminds us of an Old Iranian legendary ancient story from the great poet Molana, who equalized the king and mendicant.
The main idea behind this work is that we are all eager to help the poor and needy but due to the rapid pace of life and business we may never have enough courage or even the idea to figure this out. So this benefactor artist was inspired from other similar works. Several similar works such as leaving unnecessary goods in the yard for needy and poor people on a specific day in Australia, or leaving a refrigerator on the big and crowded streets in Rasht (a northern city of Iran) for people to leave the left of their food for homeless people had greatly inspired this artist to establish and design this wall.
All copyright belongs to Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, Shanghai University.