Researcher Guidelines
1. Main Tasks for International Public Art Researchers
1.1 Carry out academic research into public art in order to support the global development of public art.
1.2 Recommend outstanding examples of public art from the cities and regions where the researcher works through the submission of nominations for the International Award for Public Art.
1.3 Write research reports (to become case studies) as invited by IPA.
2. Workflow and Requirements
2.1 Researchers submit nominations
2.2 IPA appraises nominations from all sources, and announces those nominations which have been selected for further research (to become case studies).
2.3 Researchers are invited to carry out research on certain nominations, and to submit this research by a given deadline. Together, all the submitted reports form Selection Pool for the IAPA.
2.4 Researchers will receive remuneration on a case-by-case basis if the following conditions are fulfilled:
2.4.1 Nomination form - Case and artist information must be accurate in order for IPA to be able to invite the artist to the award ceremony.
2.4.2 Case pictures - pictures must be of high definition, either taken by the researcher or submitted with the written permission of the artist or photographer. There should be at least 6 pictures, minimum 300 dpi and in JPG form.
2.4.3 Case Study Reports should be in English or Chinese, in this format –
2.5 IPA appraises the completed case studies and the panel will invite researchers to the next meeting provided the research submitted meets the stated requirements.
2.6 IPA, together with Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts (SAFA), organises the Jury, which selects the 35 ‘exhibition shortlisted’, 7 commended and 1 ‘awarded’ artworks.
2.7 The IPA Committee prepares for the Award Ceremony, for the exhibition of 35 shortlisted cases, and the Forum. Artists / researchers may be contacted for more information.
2.8 The International Award for Public Art Ceremony, exhibition of shortlisted cases and International Public Art Forum currently takes place in alternate years.
2.9 IPA Research Network Meetings are convened in years without IAPA Ceremonies.
3. Entitlements and Obligations
3.1 Obligations –
3.1.1 Submit not less than 5 nominations annually for the IAPA.
3.1.2 Submit research reports on nominated projects as requested by IPA.
3.1.3 Collect relevant further information as requested by IPA for any case studies included in the Exhibition of IAPA shortlisted case studies.
3.2 Entitlements –
3.2.1 Be a Research Member of the IPA. Your photo and your researched case studies will appear in the online archive.
3.2.2 Be invited to attend IPA Research Network Meetings, with expenses paid provided obligations are fulfilled.
3.2.3 Have the opportunity to attend academic conferences and seminars.
3.2.4 Remuneration for related work (e.g. case study research).
4. Continuing Accreditation of Researchers
4.1 If more than 90% of a researcher’s nominations are not selected by IPA for further research, that researcher will no longer be accepted as a Research Member of IPA.
4.2 If none of a researchers’ nominations or completed case studies are selected for the 35 shortlisted cases for two consecutive IAPA events then that researcher will cease to be a Research Member of IPA.